About KHH

Make the web a better place, Who

I’ve been doing websites as a hobby for a while and as a professional. Furthermore, I’ve worked for a few web hosting companies as well as managed many websites personally. Between building websites, working at a hosting company, building servers, I have a lot of experience with the web. I’ve seen a lot of the woes that come with the territory.

Teach a man to fish, right? Getting into something like web design for the first time can be frustrating if you don’t know where to turn to. While there’s great guides out there, nothing brings it all together. I hope to help and make your life easier.

My name is Ken, if that’s not already obvious. I love art in various forms, nature and animals. I usually have a gentle and cordial temperament and enjoy helping people. In my spare time I’ll create videos, and create video games.


Everyone’s going to have a different experience with making a website. It’s going to seem extremely difficult if you’re coming into this without experience.

Helping people is the primary purpose of this website, start from the ground up and create a website. Avoid common pitfalls and problems associated with Hosting, domains, and getting their first page up.

That’s just the beginning. After your site is up, you need to put up content and attract visitors. A good website can make passive income for you, but this will take some work. Making a website is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep a pace, be consistent and you’ll see success.

I’m open to suggestions on how to improve.


I’ve been here before. While websites are easy to do and set up, the technical nature of this makes it difficult for even technical people their first time. Even people who do programming will struggle a little. However, like everything else in life, everything worth it will be hard.