
There is no real world equivalent to a website. The closest would be an interactive billboard. They are unique and a great way to shop and covey information. It has changed humanity.

So the begs the question:

Why WordPress?

  • WordPress is Popular
  • Free
  • WordPress is open source.
  • Thousands of free themes
  • Very extendable with plugins
  • Create any kind of website
  • Very SEO Friendly, easy to rank
  • Any customizable site
  • WordPress isn’t the only game in town. But it’s the only one I recommend. I’ve fixed a lot of websites, dealt with a lot of problems. WordPress is by far the easiest option. There are issues with WordPress but those same weaknesses are far worse with Drupal and Joomla.

    Your first website

    Three things are required for your website. You can do them in any order.


